Download Previous year Diploma Paper of Concrete Technology CT 4th Sem Civil/0512/Dec 2015 Paper

Concrete Technology CT 4th Sem Civil/0512/Dec 2015 Paper


Q1. Do as directed.                                                                                                                      15×1=15

  1. Plane cement concrete is strong in compressive.

  2. In concrete water act as key.

  3. Addition of Gypsum increases the setting time of cement.

  4. Appearance of water on the surface of concrete after compaction is called Bleeding.

  5. Round aggregate have more workability.

  6. CaCl2 can be used as an admixture/ retarder

  7. Grade M10 and M15 may be used for P.C.C.

  8. One bag of cement weights 50 kg.

  9. Hydration depends upon fineness of cement.

  10. Curing increases the strength of concrete.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               (B) True and False 

  11. Batching is done to increase the workability.  T/F             (False)

  12. Bulking of sand is more with fine sand. T/F                        (True)

  13. The water cement ratio should be kept constant.T/F        (False)

  14. Fineness modulus has no unit.                                              (True)

  15. Plasticizers are water reducers.T/F                                      (True)


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

  1. What do you mean by all-in-aggregate?

  2. What are the different types of vibrators used for the compaction of concrete?

  3. What is the difference between screeding and floatin ?

  4. Why construction joints are provided?

  5. What are the limitations of water cement ratio law ?

  6. Differentiate between polymer concrete and fly ash concrete?

  7. What are admixtures ?

  8. What is the importance of non-destructive test?


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

      Q3. What are the various characteristics of aggregates? Discuss any six.

     Q4. Explain the properties of hardened concrete.

    Q5. What do you mean by work ability? How would you determine workability?

    Q6. What are the requirements of a warehouse? What precautions would you take while storing cement in warehouse?

    Q7. (a) Differentiate between normal & controlled concrete.

           (b) What is fiber reinforced concrete?

Concrete Technology CT 4th Sem Civil/0512/Dec 2015 Solved Paper

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Strength of concrete _______ with time.

Strength of concrete increases with time.


Concrete _______ on Drying.

Concrete hard on Drying.


Concrete pavements are known as _________

Concrete pavements are known as Ridge Pavement.   .

  1. Admixtures increases workability.

  2. For determining compressive strength of cement, standard sand is used.

  3. Vicat’s Apparatus is used for determining initial and final setting time of cement.

  4. The weight of one bag of cement is  50 Kg 

  5. Ready mix concrete is also called site mixed concrete

  6. Chemical reaction between cement & water is called hydration.

  7. Finerthe cement, more is the hydration.

b) State true or false.

  1. Accelerators are used during hot weather concreting.  T/F (False)

  2. Curing reduces the shrinkage of concrete. T/F (True)

  3. Height of one bag of cement is 18 cm.T/F (False)

  4. Water cement ratio in hot weather concrete will decrease. T/F (False)

  5. Ware house is used to store concrete.T/F (False)

Admixtures _________ workability.

Admixtures increases workability.


For determining compressive strength of cement, _________ sand is used.

For determining compressive strength of cement, standard sand is used.

_________ Apparatus is used for determining initial and final setting time of cement.

Vicat’s Apparatus is used for determining initial and final setting time of cement.


The weight of one bag of cement is ______.

The weight of one bag of cement is  50 Kg 

Ready mix concrete is also called _____________.

Ready mix concrete is also called site mixed concrete.

Chemical reaction between cement & water is called ________.

Chemical reaction between cement & water is called hydration.

Finerthe cement, _______ is the hydration.

Finerthe cement, more is the hydration.


The ideal value of stability factor is ____.

b) State true or false.

Accelerators are used during hot weather concreting.  T/F


Curing reduces the shrinkage of concrete. T/F


Height of one bag of cement is 18 cm.T/F



Water cement ratio in hot weather concrete will decrease. T/F




Ware house is used to store concrete.T/F


Download Previous Year Concrete Technology PSBTE Diploma Solved Paper May 2017 Click Here


What are advantages of concrete as compared to other building materials ?

Advantages of concrete as compared to other building materials 


List the properties of concrete in plastic & hardened stage ?

Properties of concrete in plastic & hardened stage.


Give the functions of C2S & C3A in cement.

Functions of C2S & C3A in cement.

Discuss the following terms:- 1. Sieve analysis 2. Fineness of modulus Explain what you mean by workability of concrete ?

workability of concrete.

What is the importance of performing slump test?

Importance of performing slump test

What is the effect of low temperature of concrete ?

Effect of low temperature of concrete

Gives the Uses of fibre reinforced concrete.

Uses of fibre reinforced concrete.


Concrete Technology Civil 4th Semester  PSBTE Diploma Solved Dec 2017 Paper Click Here

Concrete Technology CT 4th Sem Civil/0512/Dec 2017 Solved Paper

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Section c solved concrete technology dec 2017 paper

What is difference between segregation and bleeding?

Difference between segregation and bleeding? Discuss the factors affecting workability.

What is the importance of batching? What the advantages are of weigh batching over volume batching ?

Importance of batching 

What are the different tests on hardened concrete ?

Different tests on hardened concrete 

What is mix design? What is bulking of aggregate?

Mix design What is bulking of aggregate?

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